

吴红岩 医药荐客 2022-01-04




一、温州概况 About Wenzhou


Wenzhou, located in the southernmost tip of Zhejiang Province, is famous for its "Wenzhou Entrepreneurship", and Wenzhou people is known as the Oriental Jew. It is the leading area in China for the development of private economy and the forefront of reform and opening up in the country. At present, Wenzhou has formed five traditional pillar industries in the local area such as electric, shoes, clothing, auto parts, pumps and valves, and five strategic emerging industries such as digital economy, intelligent equipment, life and health, new energy smart internet automobiles, and new materials. Wenzhou also boasts its high-end scientific innovation platforms composed of Wenzhou University, Wenzhou Medical University, Wenzhou Research Institute of Zhejiang University, Wenzhou Research Institute of Hangzhou University of Electronic Science and technology, Wenzhou Research Institute of China Wenzhou Research Institute of the University of Science and Technology, China Eye Valley, Wenzhou Photonics Integrated Innovation Research Institute, etc.


、引进对象 Introduction Target 


To introduce overseas high-level innovative talents with international leading academic and technological qualification, or with S&T achievement of independent intellectual property rights and rich industrialization development potential, capable of driving emerging disciplines, breaking through key technologies and promoting the development of high-tech industries. The introduction focuses on the high-level talents in key industries such as artificial intelligence, flexible electronics, quantum communication, integrated circuits, biomedicine, advanced materials, clean energy, information economy, environmental protection, high-end equipment manufacturing, etc.


三、引进类型 Introduction Categories 

(一)创新全职人才 Innovation Talents for Full-time Positions

1. 应当取得博士学位;PhD/doctoral degree

2. 应当在海外知名高校、科研机构担任副教授或相当职务,或在国际知名企业、金融机构担任高级职务;Associate professor or equivalent position in overseas well-known universities and scientific research institutions, or senior position in international well-known enterprises or financial institutions;

3. 年龄不超过55周岁(19653月后出生);55 years old or younger (DoB no earlier than March 1965);

4. 引进时在浙江工作不超过1年,引进时回国(来华)时间不超过3年;Working in Zhejiang for no more than one year at the time of introduction and staying in China for no more than three years since returning or coming to China at the time of introduction;

5. 引进后应当在温州连续工作5年以上且每年工作时间不少于9个月。Working in Wenzhou for at least five consecutive years and for no less than 9 months in each year 

(二)创新兼职人才 Innovative Talents for Part-time Positions 

1. 应当取得博士学位;PhD/doctoral degree

2. 应当在海外知名高校、科研机构担任副教授或相当职务,或在国际知名企业、金融机构担任高级职务;Associate professor or equivalent position in overseas well-known universities and scientific research institutions, or senior position in international well-known enterprises or financial institutions;

3. 年龄不超过55周岁(19653月后出生);55 years old or younger (DoB no earlier than March 1965);

4. 引进时未全职在国内(含浙江企业的海外分支机构)工作;Not working full time in China (including overseas branches of Zhejiang enterprises) at the time of introduction;

5. 引进后应当在温州连续工作3年以上且每年工作时间不少于2个月,或全职在温州企业的海外分支机构连续工作3年以上且每年工作时间不少于9个月。Working in Wenzhou for at least three consecutive years and the annual accumulative work time be no less than 2 months; or working in an overseas branch of a Wenzhou enterprise for no less than 3 consecutive years and for no less than 9 months in each year.

(三)外国专家创新人才 Foreign Expert Innovative Talents

1. 申报人为非华裔外国专家The applicant is a foreign expert of non-Chinese origin;

2. 应当取得博士学位;PhD/doctoral degree

3. 应当在海外知名高校、科研机构担任副教授或相当职务,或在国际知名企业、金融机构担任高级职务;Associate professor or equivalent position in overseas well-known universities and scientific research institutions, or senior position in international well-known enterprises or financial institutions;

4. 年龄不超过65周岁(19553月后出生);65 years old or younger (DoB no earlier than March 1955);

5. 引进时在浙江工作不超过1年,引进时回国(来华)时间不超过3年;Working in Zhejiang for no more than one year at the time of introduction and staying in China for no more than three years since returning or coming to China at the time of introduction;

6. 引进后应当在温州连续工作5年以上且每年工作时间不少于9个月。Working in Wenzhou for at least five consecutive years and for no less than 9 months in each year

(四)青年创新人才 Youth Innovation Talents

1. 年龄不超过35周岁(19853月后出生);35 years old or younger (DoB no earlier than March 1985);

2. 需要拥有海外博士学位,同时取得博士学位后要在海外连续工作36个月以上;PhD. granted overseas before a consecutive of 36 months overseas working experience;

3. 应在在海外知名高校、科研机构、知名企业研发机构从事教学、科研工作(可以是博士后工作);Working experience on education and research in renowned overseas universities or colleges, scientific research institutions, or the R&D institutions of well-known enterprises

4. 回国工作不超过一年No more than one year working experience after returning to China

(五)直接引进人才 Direct Introduction of Talents

1. 发达国家两院院士、世界前100大学(或机构)正教授,曾在外省入选中国海外高层次人才引进计划Academician of developed countries, Professor of the world's top 100 universities (or institutions), experience of being selected into China's high-level overseas talent introduction program in other provinces

2. 年龄不限No age limit

3. 有意向全职到温州从事创新工作Willingness to take a full-time position on innovation work in Wenzhou

备注:上述五类引进类型条件中的海外包括中国香港、澳门、台湾Remark: The concept of the word “overseas” shall include China’s Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan in the above-mentioned five categories of introduction


四、人才资助政策Talent Funding Policy


RMB 1.5 million Yuan bonus and another RMB 800,000 Yuan subsidized for purchasing houses for the selected talents in categories (I) and (III)


RMB 1.0 million Yuan bonus and another RMB 800,000 Yuan subsidized for purchasing houses for the selected talents in categories (II) and (IV)


RMB 4.0 million Yuan bonus and another RMB 1.0 million Yuan subsidized for purchasing houses for the selected talents in categories (V)



Step 1-意向专家对接报名-填写简单表格

Step 2-资料筹备(申报书填报、修改及完善,附件材料整理)

Step 3- 申报系统填报提交、纸质材料上报(分为申报人填报和依托单位填报)-地方政府形式审查(初审)形成推荐名单上报-省级部门形式审查(复审,符合条件但佐证附件不完善的可进行资料补充)

Step 4-专家评审、现场答辩  

Step 5-综合评议确定入选名单   

Step 6-结果公示

有朋友感兴趣可以私信我,电话/微信:13564288425, hongyan258@126.com

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